Club members also receive:

  • A monthly group coaching Q & A webinar with Monica to educate, encourage and empower you towards your goals

  • Coaching hours with Monica throughout the month to keep you on track and making progress

  • Gluten-free, dairy-free, and refined sugar-free meal plans, recipes, and shopping lists

  • Training programs and workouts to support your current level of stress

  • All four seasons (spring, summer, fall and winter) of the 7-Day Detox program

  • Heart Rate Variability (HRV) practical education and optional upgrade for 1:1 coaching using the Elite HRV app

  • A 25% off discount code to the Designs For Health supplement dispensary

  • Access to the "Kids Korner" which provides parents and caregivers the resources needed to help raise healthy, resilient kids, and strong future athletes

  • Exclusive content created just for this community to support all of your elements of whole health (diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction and supplements)

  • Discounts on future digital programs, eBooks, and guides that Monica creates


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I have to use heart rate variability as a club member?

    No. It is an additional tool available to you that is recommended but not required to use. You can check out for more information about heart rate variability (HRV) as this is the data management tool that is used to track and connect with clients and athletes that choose to invest in 1:1 HRV coaching with Monica. Club members have the option to join Monica's Elite HRV team and purchase coaching sessions as needed outside of the monthly membership fee.

  • How do I connect with Monica inside the club membership?

    Monica is answering questions and responding to comments inside the community a few times weekly. She is available to answer questions and provide additional support in each monthly coaching webinar. She is also available for 1:1 coaching sessions to Plantinum level club members.

  • Is the 7-Day Detox program a do-it-yourself program or is it led by Monica?

    It is a DIY program but one week each season, Monica will give the group as a whole an opportunity to complete the program together and with her daily support inside of the community.

  • Can I cancel my membership anytime?

    Yes, you can cancel your membership whenever you choose to.

Your Coach

Holistic Health Practitioner Monica Kuebler

Since 2001, Monica Kuebler has helped people break through the obstacles that are holding them back from reaching their optimum potential and performance. She serves as a functional and holistic health, nutrition, exercise, and movement coach, digestive and immune health specialist to athletes and active people that want to reduce their stress load, gain greater stress resilience, eliminate their digestive problems, maximize their immunity, and dominate their mindset.