Meet Your Coach, Monica Kuebler

Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, Holistic Health Coach, and Metabolism, Digestive & Immune Health Specialist

Since 2001, I have helped people break through the obstacles holding them back from reaching their optimum potential and peak performance. I hold a bachelor's degree in human nutrition, foods, and exercise among many other certifications in health, nutrition, fitness, metabolism, digestive and immune health. I specialize in working with athletes and active people who struggle with autoimmune and chronic conditions and want to restore their immune health, reduce their stress load, gain greater stress resilience, eliminate their digestive problems, correct hormone imbalances, maximize their immunity, and ultimately champion their mindset. My education and experience have prepared me to look at the human body as one unit with many interworking systems that are all connected. In my coaching, I use a whole and complete approach to helping you heal yourself and uplevel each of your body's systems to make gains in your physical, mental, and emotional states. I believe that when you remove blocking factors and apply enhancing elements to your lifestyle, you allow the body to do what it does best, heal itself. When I am not coaching, I spend time with my husband, child, and Carolina dog, homeschool our child, read, watch documentaries and movies, try new Paleo baking recipes and new exercise programs, ferment foods, garden, and shop for wild color sneakers!

Check out the VIP Coaching Club Membership below

Platinum VIP Coaching Club Membership

This club is made for you if you are interested in monthly coaching webinars with me, Monica Kuebler, want to be part of the Whole Health VIP community with other like-minded athletes and active people who are working to restore the function of their gut-brain-immune health to perform their best through the use of my extensive vault of resources, programs, protocols, tools, tips, and techniques.

Check out my programs below

7-Day Detox Program

Revolutionize your body in 7 days and reset yourself from the inside out as you start thriving, thinking, and functioning like never before. During this program, you won’t need to take the week off from work, own a juicer or fancy kitchen gadgets or deny yourself the pleasure of delicious food

Check out my eBooks below

The Whole Health Elements Holiday Survival Guide

The Whole Health Holiday Survival Guide comes with everything you need to make your health a priority each holiday season, regardless of how many cookies or pies cross your path.

How to Master the Art of Going Gluten-Free

Eliminating gluten from your diet is a choice that more people are making every day as they learn about how harmful modern day gluten is to the human digestive and immune systems. Going gluten free is a critical step to enabling your mind and body to function optimally but for some, it isn’t the easiest lifestyle choice to make.


Julie Kieffer

“Through the 7-Day Detox program, I became very aware of how bad my eating habits were. Quite honestly, I really wasn’t paying attention to anything other than staying away from gluten and sodas. I now realize I was eating too many things that are bad for me and therefore my appetite was never satisfied. Even though I have only been eating this new way for 9 days, I feel so much better, and I have a much better outlook on getting healthy. I am so thankful to Monica for providing me with an instruction manual and support!”

Laura Toth

“Through the 7-Day Detox program, I discovered what food(s) support my system well. I also experienced the powerful impact the management of those foods can have on my overall wellbeing and energy levels.”

Kay Duffield

“Before the 7-Day Detox program, I thought to detox involved cutting food out altogether. Being hypoglycemic, I can’t function without proper protein. With the whole food detox, I ate healthy plant-based protein and honestly didn't miss the meat. I never felt hungry. I lost 3 lbs and had increased energy. Monica provides all of the info you need to succeed on this detox program. I encourage you to try it. Your body will thank you.”